Played a lot, but the game is a bit too hard for me.

I tried to also play it in Linux with Steam Proton, but it doesn't go well, as shown below. The EConvertError is always different and seems random, like it's picking up garbage memory, but the line it happens on is always the same.

3/13/2020 - 22:33:05 
v 15 
An unhandled exception occurred at $0047F476 : 
EConvertError  :  "\00l\00\00\00dll\00o\00w\00s\00P\00o\00w\00e\00r\00s\00h\00e\00l\00l\00\\00v\001\00.\000\00\00\00\00\00\00\00X/\E0     \00\00\00USE\pipe\svcctl\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00\00" is an  invalid integer 
  $004E2BEB line 949 of sound.pas 
  $004E344E line 1173 of sound.pas 
  $004E3A03 line 1385 of sound.pas 
  $00460F32 line 28658 of savage.pas 
3/29/2020 - 13:33:13 
v 16 
An unhandled exception occurred at $0047FA66 : 
EConvertError : "" is an invalid integer 
  $004E320B line 949 of sound.pas 
  $004E3A6E line 1173 of sound.pas 
  $004E4023 line 1385 of sound.pas 
  $00461522 line 28793 of savage.pas