Well, you've seen the topic name, which is basically the introduction... look, US and Iraq are both made of living people, as both Windows and Linux run on the same circuits. There've been many flame wars between Windows and Linux and many discussions, but did anyone consider killing each other because he didn't like the other OS?
I feel a shame for people living in United States because their president has no human concience. There will be no forgiveness ever for somebody who kills a single person. No matter how bad Saddam Hussein can be, no matter if there's any oil in Iraq and no matter what race lives there, President Bush has no right to kill innocent people! Myself, I know an arabian... he is good person and wise programmer and he also has family. Why does he and his family need to die just because *Bush* wants to disarm Iraq (which "has chemical weapons")? I haven't heard the date when US disarmed itself. Did not? So, US has enough nuclear weapons to destroy several times our planet Earth, not including loads of armament in order to kill everyone on the planet, like few bullets per person, and worst of all - an inhuman president who has the power to use all the weapons he needs.
As far as my understanding of terrorism goes, Terror is when innocent non-military people are killed in a military action (concept probably goes from World War 2). In Bush's command, lots of civilians, mostly Arabs have been killed. Isn't this terrorism? ...or a mistrake? ...or are Arabs no longer considered living people just because of their religion or because some of them committed suicide-bombing? Well, thinking like that, I'd better get a gun and go to the nearest Internet Cafe and kill everyone there just because they're "lamers"!
Oh well, any of you from US, do you think that we'd just kill each other? Is all life we live worth anything, when we do nothing, but to actually destroy what we have? I hope not...