Quote Originally Posted by Ñuño Martínez View Post
Really impressive. I wonder if it works on Linux+Wine (I didn't have time now to test).

I've dove a little in the sources and... does it uses DooM engine? What? I mean, what?

Indeed, despite that it is a totally different game genre, its core engine is DelphiDoom. Of course the player's control and car's AI was coded from scratch. By using DelphiDoom I had the advantage of making the expansion pack using common editing tools of the Doom engine, using the native DelphiDoom's map format. I only used the C original source code as a guide to build an extra layer to read the speedh.jcl data file. At first I considered the option to recreate the game using the original source code, but by using DelphiDoom source code as a base I was able to finish the project in less time, without worrying for any engine-related issues.