Interesting. So the density can continue to increase, but hopefully (from my point of view) not too rapid. This complicates the coding but must be dealt with one way or another. Btw. I noticed Debian KDE goes further than Windows and offer 300% scaling. Not that I can meaningfully test that on my limited monitor.

And I do remember getting a 800x600 CRT monitor. Was a great improvement over the original VGA monitor I had. Not that I bothered with refresh rate back then. My system handled Delpi and Settlers 2 well enough and life was comparably simple.

Now I have begun some new scaling concept test coding. So far nothing to show. But I hope to be able to create something simple any month now.

The Grayout program will have to wait. The suggested extra features are interesting but they got to be postponed, mayhaps forever. Stil aiming to make an installer for debian and raspberry some day.