We have been testing under FPC for about 4 years now . I do all the linux tests under Free Pascal as I don't have Kylix. What we need are more examples with which to test stuff (or a comprehensive set of unit tests, but who has the time for that ).

As for the GL/GLU changes, bear in mind that we get our headers from http://www.delphi3d.net then make them sdl compatable. the last merge was a few months ago to allow us to support the OpenGL 2.0 API (specifially GLSL). which was tested under both Delphi and FPC on Windows and Linux. I don't think the FPC units are as uptodate as that (please correct me if I am wrong), mind you the GL and GLU units haven't changed much in years so it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Once you have made your changes let me know and I will test them under windows and linux.