See what she enjoys doing the most and focus on that... You shouldn't overload her with information at such an early age.
Maybe look at other things she likes to do, e.g. if she plays with Legos or whatever, combine that with a little programming.
I think it's too early to even think about introducing her to actual programming, because that would require that she understands the commands, the math and everything that is related to programming. She will learn that soon enough at school.

Here's how I learned programming: My dad has always played around with computers but I wasn't interested in them in particular until he bought an Atari. I really enjoyed playing games on the Atari but that was pretty much it. I've seen my father write programs in GFA Basic on the Atari and of course he showed me a couple of things but again, I wasn't all too interested.
When I was about ten years old, my father bought a PC and installed a Windows version of GFA Basic on it. I guess the reason why this took me in its ban was because it supported graphics. So for almost a year I wrote extremely simple programs in GFA Basic and enjoyed it a lot.
When I was about 12 or 13 years old, I had one year of comp-sci at school and learnt the basics of DOS-Pascal programming there. To me, using DOS Pascal was a downgrade since it did not easily support graphics. Then my older brother was given Delphi as a x-mas present, I enjoyed looking over his shoulder while he was coding and from then on, I was a Delphi programmer even though the transition from DOS Pascal to Delphi wasn't an easy one.