so here is the command line (I renamed my SDLmain.o out of the way for this test):
/usr/local/bin/fpc -XMSDL_main -k-L/sw/lib -k-lSDL -k-lSDL_image -k-lSDL_Mixer -k-framework -kOpenGL -k-framework -kCocoa -Fu/users/billy1380/Documents/XCodeProjects/CBC/Jedi-SDLv1.0/SDL/pas -Fu/users/billy1380/Documents/XCodeProjects/CBC/Jedi-SDLv1.0/SDL_Image/pas -Fu/users/billy1380/Documents/XCodeProjects/CBC/Jedi-SDLv1.0/SDL_Mixer/pas -Fu/users/billy1380/Documents/XCodeProjects/CBC/CBCFoundation -Fu/users/billy1380/Documents/XCodeProjects/CBC/Jedi-SDLv1.0/sfont/pas -Fi/users/billy1380/Documents/XCodeProjects/CBC/Jedi-SDLv1.0/SDL/pas -Fi/swab/include/SDL SDLGuns.pas -Fl/sw/lib -Fl/usr/X11R6/lib
and the result is:

Copyright (c) 1993-2006 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Darwin for PowerPC
Compiling SDLGuns.pas
Assembling sdlguns
SDLGuns.pas(52,1) Warning: Object SDLmain.o not found, Linking may fail !
Linking SDLGuns
/usr/bin/ld: can't open: SDLmain.o (No such file or directory, errno = 2)
SDLGuns.pas(52,1) Error: Error while linking
Error: /usr/local/bin/ppcppc returned an error exitcode (normal if you did not specify a source file to be compiled)
sorry about all the extra long paths...