Well if by 'tiny' you mean 24-hour or 48-hour like Jeremy is thinking, then not, not for the PGD Annual anyways.

The thing about those action packed competitions is that they really draw on your ability to pull out all the stops for 1 or 2 whole days. And afterwards, at least with the impression I get, is that you'll probably be all drained of physical or creative energy afterwards. So when it came time to startup the 4 month you'd be starting with an instant handicap.

Plus if we were to stick one afterwards you'd still be tired from it as a long development period like our 4 month annual competitions take their toll over time. (kinda like sprinting vs. long distance running)

The 1 month is ideal because it gives a more moderate length of time and you're not as frantic about coding as to restrict some forethought about what you might want to do with the main one, should you decide to enter it aswell.

I'm sort of rolling around in my head the idea of starting the main competition off about half way or a week left into the 1-mo compo as you already have a basic idea as to the theme will be based around or close to.

This is not official just yet, but we are also considering making the planning stage submission manitory for this one aswell. (just for the main comp. not the small one) If this is the case we will provide the template for the design docs and all you'll have to do is fill it out. But this would make room for some minor overlapping to help condense the time frame of the whole event slightly.