Quote Originally Posted by WILL
Well I've decided to lead the pack on Project 1 and submit a little 2 minute 'blooper' clip of me trying to get some decent footage of myself for the ad.

WILL's PGD Ad Bloopers

At least noone can say that I'm asking you guys to do something that I have not done myself. Oh, and yes I make a total jackass of myself so feel free to laugh at me, just be kind in reply.

As for the actual phrase, "I'm an Object Pascal programmer!" Is still the target phrase, but "developer" just stuck in my head. Doesn't matter so much, a little variation will actually make it interesting so do your worst.
ROTFLMAO!!! Oh, please! I just can't stop laughing

Ok, ok! You have convinced me: I'll put aside my shyness and will do a short clip :lol:
Now I should decide: English? Italian? French? My local dialect? Singing the slogan? Burping it? :think:

PS. Your initial sound check is fantastic! :clown: