Good job NecroDOME!

I like it a lot! I wait for a playable version of your game!

I do remember Battle Chess, and my game is a starting point to do
something like that. What i wanted to code in fact is something more like
checkers but, to "eat" an opponent's piece there will be some roleplaying

I am very influenced by WoW at the moment so i thought something like
to have a board with people like warriors-druids-priests-elfs and so on,
so when you want to move to an opponent's cell you have to fight him.

It should look a mix of "battle chess" and "ogre battle" on the snes.

Actually i'm working on the online turn-based engine (with tokens,
chat....), and once i have it done i'll work on the main concept. Having
such engine i already have a couple of nice ideas on turn based games to