hey guys, I was going through this tutorial on http://www.friends-of-fpc.org/tutori...phics/dlx_ogl/ that Dmantione advised me to look at, it's very good to learn about OpenGL.
If you're interested I think its a great place to start

However, I also have a question. I tried compiling the source codes that are given in each chapter of the tutorial and it doesnt seem to work. I use Dev-Pascal 1.9.2, and the author of the tutorials says the code works with FPC 1.0.10, so it should work for me, right? :?
But it doesnt! The compiler says there are wrong parameters, and stuff like that. Can any1 please hav a look and help me out?


EDIT: To make it easier for those willing to help, here is the code of lesson2: http://www.friends-of-fpc.org/tutori...gl/source01.pp which is the first I tried out