Quote Originally Posted by savage
Ooops only just found this thread. Sounds like excellent stuff!! It would be nice to release v1.0 with preliminary NDS support. Please let me know if there are any other changes required to sdl.pas or any of the other sdl_*.pas files.
Here is a quick list of changes I made in order to compile it:

:arrow: NDS needs "uses types;" only
:arrow: libSDL.a depends from libnds9.a and some other gcc libs:
[pascal]{$IFDEF NDS}
SDLLibName = 'libSDL.a';
:arrow: I have commented out all SDL_mutex and thread parts
:arrow: All external funcs are declared as:
function SDL_Init( flags : UInt32 ) : Integer;
cdecl; external {$IFNDEF NDS}{$IFDEF __GPC__}name 'SDL_Init'{$ELSE} SDLLibName{$ENDIF __GPC__}{$ENDIF NDS};

That's all
As I said, it compiles fine but I dont' know if it works too