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  1. #1

    Projekt "W"

    It's getting real shape Sascha

    Fortunately I can read german *hehe* So I understand what he is doing in the video....

    By the way... your game seems to be quite complex... Be sure the player keeps overview of the whole scneario... it already seems confusing, but this can be the effect of not knowing the gameplay at all

    Anyway, it seems to be very polished and well implemented... great work! Keep it on!
    <a href=";utm_medium=badge_game"><img border="0" alt="GGE" title="GGE" src=""></a>

  2. #2

    Projekt "W"

    Since I'm using no specific OS-features (except for some wgl-functions from OpenGL, but that's no problem) and the game uses OpenGL as well as OpenAL it should be possible to port it to Linux. But I'll wait and see if there is a demand for this, as last time I asked about porting NewtonPlayGround to Linux no one responed.
    Before trying to port, you should first ckeck if your game just runs in wine (Wine Is Not an Emulator). The modern Linux distributions can run even some DirectX8-based games. Not to mention Quake 2 and 3. If your creation doesn't use .NET or some obscure/undocumented WinAPI functions it should be playable in Linux.

    For example, I now work 100% of my time in Linux. But I did all but drop the Linux-native version of my project and concentrated on the Win32 version (compile it with the help of fpc-crosswin). Because the Win32 version runs in Linux without a notch.

    Maybe *that* is the reason you don't get any requests to port.

  3. #3

    Projekt "W"

    Wine gives problems enough to keep the need for native ports. My experienced with some recent games posted here:
    * Garland's quest: Works, a shower of messages regarding audio errors is continuously streaming to the terminal, slowing the game down.
    * Fantasyland: Got it working once, then never again. Asked William for the source and compiled a native version.
    * Uberchess: Doesn't work.

  4. #4
    Co-Founder / PGD Elder WILL's Avatar
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    Projekt "W"

    Quote Originally Posted by dmantione
    Wine gives problems enough to keep the need for native ports. My experienced with some recent games posted here:
    * Garland's quest: Works, a shower of messages regarding audio errors is continuously streaming to the terminal, slowing the game down.
    Ah ok great to know. Did you have the sdl_mixer properly installed? Thats the only audio system I have in place right now. [size=9px](Incidentally without any audio tracks or sounds. )[/size]

    Please reply here though. I don't want to steal Sascha's thread. He's been awesome helping me out with some aspects of the graphics too...
    Jason McMillen
    Pascal Game Development

  5. #5

    Projekt "W"

    Wine gives problems enough to keep the need for native ports.
    Not if the program author did specifically test and his creation for compatibility with wine and adapt it.

  6. #6

    Projekt "W"

    Well it took me some time and effort to do it, but here it is :
    A new video for Projekt "W" that showcases the progress on my project. It's hot from the "press" as I recorded this one just some hours ago after making three or four attempts with not-so-good outcome.

    The video is almost 7 minutes long, roughly 26 MBytes big and is encoded using windows media format (WMV), so anyone having a recent media player or codec package installed should be able to watch it.

    But contrary to the first video from january, this one is fully english (all onscreen texts and descriptions) and it's also narrated by myself so besides seing it in action you'll also hear me talking about it with a hopefully not too-german sounding accent

    But though the video is rather long it doesn't show all of the game and I also don't talk about background information. That's what I tried to do with my first attempts but that would have meand a very long (>20 mins) video which would have been 100 MBytes or so.

    And please respect that I don't want this to be mirrored anywhere (not even youtube or google video) as I don't want too much exposure before I have something out of the door people can actually play instead of only looking at.

    Get it here!

  7. #7

    Projekt "W"

    He dewd,

    I just took a quick peak @ your video and it looks very nice. Love graphics and the design. The gameplay also looks good. Cant wait to try it.

    Only thing you should add is a graphical mouse cursor instead of the standaard windows one you appear to be using.



  8. #8

    Projekt "W"

    Hey Sascha, that looks great. And your accent wasn't bad at all, I understood everything you said without trouble at all.

    One little thing you might want to change in the espionage window is "Infiltrated Spies", which implies that the spy has been infiltrated which really isn't possible (infiltration is a territorial action that cannot happen to an individual). You could say instead "infiltrated territories", or "planted spies", or perhaps even "assigned agents". Your command over English is pretty good, so I wouldn't anticipate many other little things like this. And it really is a little thing, I paused for a half second and then realized fully what you meant.

  9. #9

    Projekt "W"

    Hehe, just watched your video

    Very nice game you have there.... I am looking forward to play your demo version!

    The best part of the video was the last spoken sentence "Gute Nacht!" thats what I say now too So, "Gute Nacht" and "Bis morgen"!
    <a href=";utm_medium=badge_game"><img border="0" alt="GGE" title="GGE" src=""></a>

  10. #10

    Projekt "W"

    Absolutely magnificent! It looks like a professional job done by a large team. The GUI is superb. I love the graphs and statistics, that really appeals to me. Also looking forward to the military simulation side of things; you mentioned Panzer General, my favourite game. It's like you have a game within a game. Designing the AI for that must be challenging.

    I like the day-night cycle, but maybe a good idea would be to see city lights during the night (maybe you already do this, and my eyes weren't good enough to see them in the video); not completely realistic, but a nice-looking effect. You certainly have some great artistic skills available to you. Will you add music?

    As an aspiring amateur game developer I'm not sure what to feel: inspired to follow your lead, or discouraged in the knowledge that I could never do as well and so I might as well hang up my hat. Anyway, I'm sure there are enough "half-full glass" people out there to follow in your footsteps.
    [size=10px]&quot;In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it&#39;s the exact opposite.&quot; -- Paul Dirac[/size]

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