Thanks for reports! Default refresh rate is now set to 60 hz and windowed mode also works properly. Frags, experience and seconds survived are now also shown after the player's death ).

A small bonus reference:
Weapon powerup. Increases weapon firerate.

Speed. Now you can run faster (pay attention on the smoke downside =) )

Slow motion. Makes thing really slooow, giving you a chance to react better.

Shield. You are unvulnerable. For a while ).

Nuke. Kaboom! Everything explodes...

Medkit. Regenerates 30 hp.

Freeze. Spiders just stand still, even being damaged.

Doubler. Doubles all experience you gain during the time this bonus is active.

1000 points. Simply gives you 1000 experience points.

500 points. Guess what it does =).