Only your first diagram is accurate, being based upon measured data. And I'm not talking about projections, guesses, and predictions from "this much x is in y". You cannot guarantee the rate nor amount of anything without being there to measure it.

Where you there? Were any of us there?

As for glaciers melting quickly, how did you measure that? Did they form slowly, quickly, chaotically? I'd like to see you prove it. For all we know, it might be perfectly normal.

Nothing but recorded evidence is factual, those charts are all guesswork that fall apart at the drop of a pin.

I am not arrogant enough to tell God when he created the world or time itself. Until he sees fit to "whisper the answer in my ear" I will continue to estimate to the best of my ability, without the usage of circular reasoning that modern science is so chock full of. So much for "objective research".