Quote Originally Posted by Nitrogen
Now, the one way to solve this is to normalise the velocity vector every time you calculate or change it,
I think there is no need to normalize on each change.
Once emit all the particles with the same speed and they will fly nicely.

If you wouldn't to use SSE consider the inverse square root (1/SQRT(x)) :
[pascal]function InvSqrt(x: Single): Single;
var tmp: LongWord;
mov eax, OneAsInt
sub eax, x
add eax, OneAsInt2
shr eax, 1
mov tmp, eax
Result := Single((@tmp)^) * (1.47 - 0.47 * x * Single((@tmp)^) * Single((@tmp)^));

Quote Originally Posted by Nitrogen
So can anyone either think up a better way around this problem without changing my data structures? Everything works off X,Y,Z coords, not Direction and Magnitude for instance..
Also you can set velocity in spherical coordinates. Just generate randomly two angle phi and theta and constrruct a velocity vector:
[pascal]Phi := Random*Pi*2; Theta := Random*Pi;
Velocity := GetVector3s(Cos(Phi)*Sin(Theta)*Speed, Sin(Theta)*Speed, Sin(Phi)*Sin(Theta)*Speed);[/pascal]

Sin/Cose values can be looked-up in a precalculated table.[/pascal]