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Thread: Scale2x?

  1. #1


    Has anyone ported the scale2x image-smoothing algorithm to Pascal? Or failing that, other scaling/smoothing algorithms? I would like to use one for my Multiplexity game to add perceived image quality without effort :lol:

    I haven't seen it discussed or mentioned anywhere, so if nobody else has written code I will try translating from this source:

    (it's very small, but it has some boilerplate and a handful of macros to work out, and I've never translated from C before)

  2. #2


    I definitely have seen this site mentioned before. I'm not entirely sure though it was here at PGD or if it has been translated to Pascal.

  3. #3

    Re: Scale2x?

    who wrote it and what's the license for it?
    This is my game project - Top Down City:

    My OpenAL audio wrapper with Intelligent Source Manager to use unlimited:

  4. #4


    It is the GPL.

    If GPL isn't suitable for you, implement it using the algorithm description:

    Implementing from documentation normally makes you own all copyrights on your implementation.

  5. #5


    I've implemented scaling as part of my TGA unit. Download it at your own risk (GPL license, 25 KB). Comes with a command-line image manipulation program, and a sparse but useful README.
    [size=10px]"In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite." -- Paul Dirac[/size]

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by dmantione
    It is the GPL.

    If GPL isn't suitable for you, implement it using the algorithm description:

    Implementing from documentation normally makes you own all copyrights on your implementation.
    The reference implementation is GPL. The SDL implementation which I linked is public domain.

  7. #7

    Re: Scale2x?

    Quote Originally Posted by rtf
    Has anyone ported the scale2x image-smoothing algorithm to Pascal? Or failing that, other scaling/smoothing algorithms? I would like to use one for my Multiplexity game to add perceived image quality without effort :lol:

    I haven't seen it discussed or mentioned anywhere, so if nobody else has written code I will try translating from this source:

    (it's very small, but it has some boilerplate and a handful of macros to work out, and I've never translated from C before)
    I don't know about scale2x, but how about these magnification algorithms?
    They seem pretty neat


  8. #8


    I went ahead and did it, though this implementation is for 32-bit color and FPC only. It will probably port to Delphi or others with very little effort. My cpu stays at 60% with an 800x600x32x60fps SDL window. That could probably be sped up by moving the final render(the one onto the screen) to OpenGL.

    (a screen shot of Cave Story run through the scaler.)

       32-bit only scale2x for SDL; by James Hofmann 2007
       based on Pete Shinners' SDL scale2x.
       Doubles the size of a surface with a smoothing algorithm.
       This code is public domain.
    {$inline on}
    {$mode objfpc}
    unit scale2x32;
    uses sdl,sdl_video;
    procedure scale2x(const src : PSDL_Surface; var dst : PSDL_Surface);
    function max(const a,b : longint) : longint; inline;
        { note: if we were to use unsigned numbers the border checks would cause a crash
          because there would be a negative overflow }
        if (a>b) then result:=a else result:=b;
    function min(const a,b : longint) : longint; inline;
        if &#40;a<b&#41; then result&#58;=a else result&#58;=b;
      this requires a destination surface already setup to be twice as
      large as the source. oh, and formats must match too. this will just
      blindly assume you didn't flounder.
    procedure scale2x&#40;const src &#58; PSDL_Surface; var dst &#58; PSDL_Surface&#41;;
    	srclinewidth &#58; longint;
    	dstlinewidth &#58; longint;
    	width &#58; longint;
    	height &#58; longint;
        srcpix, dstpix &#58; ^longint;
        E0, E1, E2, E3, B, D, E, F, H &#58; longint;
    	looph, loopw &#58; longint;
    	srclinewidth &#58;= &#40;src^.pitch&#41; div sizeof&#40;longword&#41;;
    	dstlinewidth &#58;= &#40;dst^.pitch&#41; div sizeof&#40;longword&#41;;
    	width &#58;= src^.w;
    	height &#58;= src^.h;
    	srcpix &#58;= src^.pixels;
    	dstpix &#58;= dst^.pixels;
    		for looph &#58;= 0 to height-1 do
    			for loopw &#58;= 0 to width-1 do
                        &#123; from this grid we get the values BDEFH&#58; 
                          and map them into a E0,E1,E2,E3&#58;
                                E0 E1
                                E2 E3
                          we must also account for the borders&#40;using the pixels nearest to border&#41;
                        &#123; increment each pointer to the requested pixel &#125;
                        B &#58;= &#40;srcpix + srclinewidth * MAX&#40;0,looph-1&#41; + loopw&#41;^;
    			    	D &#58;= &#40;srcpix + srclinewidth * looph + MAX&#40;0,loopw-1&#41;&#41;^;
    			    	E &#58;= &#40;srcpix + srclinewidth * looph + loopw&#41;^;
    			    	F &#58;= &#40;srcpix + srclinewidth * looph + MIN&#40;width-1,loopw+1&#41;&#41;^;
    			    	H &#58;= &#40;srcpix + srclinewidth * MIN&#40;height-1,looph+1&#41; + loopw&#41;^;
                    &#123; determine smoothing result &#125;
                    if &#40;&#40;D = B&#41; and &#40;B <> F&#41; and &#40;D <> H&#41;&#41; then e0&#58;=D else e0&#58;=E;
                    if &#40;&#40;B = F&#41; and &#40;B <> D&#41; and &#40;F <> H&#41;&#41; then e1&#58;=F else e1&#58;=E;
                    if &#40;&#40;D = H&#41; and &#40;D <> B&#41; and &#40;H <> F&#41;&#41; then e2&#58;=D else e2&#58;=E;
                    if &#40;&#40;H = F&#41; and &#40;D <> H&#41; and &#40;B <> F&#41;&#41; then e3&#58;=F else e3&#58;=E;
                    &#123; blit the doubled pixel &#125;
                    &#40;dstpix+&#40;looph*2*dstlinewidth + loopw*2&#41;&#41;^&#58;=E0;
                    &#40;dstpix+&#40;looph*2*dstlinewidth + &#40;loopw*2+1&#41;&#41;&#41;^&#58;=E1;              
                    &#40;dstpix+&#40;&#40;looph*2+1&#41;*dstlinewidth + loopw*2&#41;&#41;^&#58;=E2;              
                    &#40;dstpix+&#40;&#40;looph*2+1&#41;*dstlinewidth + &#40;loopw*2+1&#41;&#41;&#41;^&#58;=E3;              
    edit: optimized to remove unnecessary pointer and temp-value assignments.


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