The next version of GVSDK will now be known as GameVision SDK 2007. A new feature planned for this release will include GVScript. It can be embedded within your application to add scripting support or can be used standalone.

* Object Pascal/Delphi language syntax subset with C/C++ & Basic to be added later.
* Full support for OOP
* Compiles to native x86 machine code
* Can be embedded within your application or compile to standalone EXE
* Will support DLMs (dynamic loadable modules). You can compile a unit and save it to disk or a stream and then later load it back into memory and it will execute.
* DLMs can be written in any of the supported languages and then be used by any supported language. For example, you can create a unit in Pascal and then use it from C/C++ or Basic.
* The GVC compiler supports a simple project file format. When a unit is referenced during compilation, it will be loaded in only once and compiled. This allows you to only need one main project source file.
* Many more features planned.

[GVC Test]
As a proof-of-concept, I put together a small demo that does smooth 4 ways scrolling with parallaxing:
* Unzip the archive and then click on the compile.bat file. It will invoke the compiler and compile scroll.pas to the stand-alone scroll.exe file.
* You can then click on this file and it will then run. You can pick a folder on your computer with music files and it should then start to play them in the background.
* You can use the arrow keys to fly around the screen.
* The project.ini file allows you to configure project options. You can make the demo run in fullscreen by setting this option in the scroll.ini.

There will be an API layer that will allow you to use GVSDK using your preferred compiler. The advanced features of GVSDK will be available via GVScript such as actors, entities, AI and OOP. You will be able to bind native routines to GVScript from any supported compiler, but binding your own native classes will only be available from Delphi at the present time. The graphics and application framework portion of GVSDK2007 is pretty stable at this point. The compiler part is currently work-in-progress and there is still much work left to do. If you play around with changing the source in scroll.pas things may crash or not work as expected, just let me know if you find a problem. I would appreciate a little feedback to see if it compiles and runs on different configurations. Thanks in advance. You can download the test here:
GVC Test
