If I may Comment on the review of my (and my team's, of course) project, MechaChess:

I actually didn't know about BattleChess or "Archon", resp. that the concept of mixing chess and action had ever been implemented. I will research on this, maybe there are a few good ideas to steal ;-)

I always wanted to make a game like Mechwarrior or Earthsiege 2, now I just had to search for another genre, and "Chess" came to my mind suddenly while reading the genre list up and down.
So making the mech simulation as sophisticated as possible is one of our declared goals(a teammate already asked me, "are we programmers now or are we engineers?!").
(Of course we need to keep it low a little bit... there should still be some action in it after all)

We know we're a little bit in-between on genres, but we just put it all into the design doc. I didn't see any penalties for not implementing an additionally announced genre. ;-)