PHEW! What a weekend... Moving house is not easy but thanks to Billy1380 and Technomage, we managed to get the bulk of the stuff moved... in the slowest van in the world.. top speed... 60mph.. downhill with a tail wind.. up hill.. it was 40mph and I had to drop down a couple of gears.. I'm never moving that wardrobe again. Top marks for getting it up those stairs though. A finely executed militaryesque manovour if ever I saw one.

I actually managed to do some work on the game on Sunday, even though I was completely shattered from Saturday, I managed to get a player controlled crane for the tetris blocks. The crane moves from left to right and the chain dangling below holding the tetris block, shatters into chain shards on command. Tonight, I'm hoping to implement the Tetris shape system and get that working properly. No screenshots as yet, but it's looking quite nice.

If I can keep working on this for the duration of this week, I should have something to show for the deadline.. but I think it's going to be a close one.

I'm having an issue with the camera though, the Tetris arena is bigger than the screen, even at 1024x768, you can't see the crane and the blocks at the same time. So I'm going to have to do something about that. I don't want to be forced to place everything on the same screen because that would make the player character too small, so I need a compromise.. I'll have a think about that.

I've also updated my Tile mapping program. It takes a bitmap, the user defines areas of that bitmap to be sprite rectangles for use within the engine. Now this supports animation too. So I can quickly see if the animation is working properly.