Quote Originally Posted by chronozphere
Those screenies look interesting... i assume you made the background with e.g photoshop.. How did you made those lines (is that a build-in effect or did you do that by yourself?)

The concept is indeed very nice and may result in an interesting game. I guess you created your own 2D engine: "Jumpstart", but it's still an alpha version. I like to know what "Jumpstart"s capabilities are and what you are planning for the future.

I'm looking forward to the result... good luck
The lines are added with a wind effect in an application called ArtWeaver. Its a graphics editing application much like PhotoShop, only free

JumpStart is the game engine that I started for last years compo. Since then its had ALOT of work done. Its a 2D engine with SDL and Lua scripting support. Optimizations in place for GL Rendering or pure SDL rendering w/o the scripter having to worry about the details. More info on JS 3 at: http://www.eonclash.com/JumpStart/index.php

JS 4 is still in Alpha development, and a specialized fork has been created just for PGD 2007, once PGD has completed the specific changes will most likely be incorporated into the JS core.

A short list of the features of JS thus far: Sound, Music, Graphics (TGA and PNG support), Scriptable Objects, OpenGL initialization and optimizations, supports Windows, Linux and Mac (still in testing).

As for the future: Polygon collision testing is the next major thing to implement. I'm going for an approach that will handle convex or concave poly's, so its taking a bit more time then I had originally thought.

You can get some idea of how JS works by look at the sample game engine posted on my site. Granted, its no where near as advanced as JS is right now.