@Robert, please ask away on questions about Lua and Pascal. I'm working on a Lua Gem for the up-comming book about Lua on how to utilize Lua within Pascal applications. So any questions that you or anyone else has just gives me more writing material .

On the maze generation, I'm just using Prim's Algorithm to generate them. Then I'm using a fuzzy stretch to go from the generated size to the final map size (basically filling in sections of the map depending upon what the actual maze generated was). This gives a very nice effect and makes the generation quite quick.

Thanks for the heads up on WindowBlinds and SDL. I know its a skinning application, but thats about it. Wonder how it screws up SDL in the long run.

@All Thanks guys for testing so far, as I said, ALOT of work has went into the engine itself to make it as stable as possible on as much hardware as possible. Now, if I could only get myself a Mac so I can compile the engine for Mac and Linux I'd be set .