He's not, it's DirectX using Asphyre. Very Happy
Yep that is correct

By the way, terrain doesn't look exactly tileable - seems to have line border here. Confused
As I've mentioned earlier, this is because I'm using some temporarily gfx I've found on the net, and I had to resize them. Durring that process the tile became non-tileable :roll: The tiles should look ok when I change to some other tiles.

Also, you should hide windows mouse cursor. I'm getting both in the game, which looks weird. Razz
I am going to do that in the final game. I just like to have it during development phase. Something weird about me

I'd use different texture size than 2048x512 for storing game tiles.
I'll agree with you on that. It will be changed when I change the tileset.

Besides the bug I'm aware of and what I've called Travelers Transparency bug, I'm glad that it works with no problems on other peoples machine. I haven't made anything public before, so it's nice to see that it can actually run on other machines than mine.

However I'm not gonna work more on the game tonight. I've just got home from playing football (European style that is ) and now I'm gonna play my newly bought NHL 2007 and see if it's better than my 2000 edition.

Goodnight to all of you, and thanks again for testing the program.