Uh feedback

When clicking on a unit, all other units and buildings become slightly transparent (selected?) as well. This cannot be made undone.
I can't see that. What do you mean by that they become transparent. Can you see the tiles behind them? There shouldn't be anything in my code that would make them transparent :?

All tiles have visible lines above them, I assume this is some kind of texture problem.
The graphics is just some temporarily stuff I've found. I had to resize them to make them fit with my tilesize. That's why they don't tile in a nice way.

It was not until I tried to right click the mouse when I discovered the end turn button. I'd make this button visible at all times. (I know, you wrote it in the read me, but I usually dont read those, unless I get stuck)
Yeah I thought about that and I may change it. However, if you hold your mouse over the end button and releases the right mouse button, the end button (and the other things displayed) will still be shown.

Both mouse buttons are required to activate an end turn. This can be tricky for some people.
It is possible to press one button at time to end a turn as stated above. However I may have to do some changes in my design. It may not be that intuitve as I thought it would be.

display order needs some work. The upper solder is placed on top of the building.
That shouldn't be possible. All the units are drawn before the buildings. Could you show me a screenshot of this. I'm quite puzzled with this. As I said, this shouldn't be possible.

the blue area suggests I can place my character on top of a building. This is not the case when characters or water are nearby.
It's on purpose. The reason is that in the future you may be able (if I decide to implement it) to move your units into a building. For example if you moved a hurt unit into a hospital it would be healed. If I don't implement it I'll remove the highlighting. Else I should probably highlight it in a different way. Regarding highlighting units. It does happen but only if the units are hostile. The soldier at the end of the road is hostile so you can check it out there. If you move your unit next to the soldier, the soldier will be highlighted.
[size=9px](Just discovered a new bug. I've forgotten to test when you select a unit, if the unit is actually on your side. DOH :roll: )[/size]

I am able to move on top of trees.
It's on purpose. I was going for a style resembling Civilization. However since I'm using some RTS gfx temporarily, I can see that it may look odd. btw. a unit doesn't represent a single unit. It represents an entire army. The game is a mix between an RTS and a Turnbased strategy game. I've borrowed elements from both sides.

I have two soldiers standing next to eachother, one has been selected. I click on the one not selected and the one selected loses the opportunity to move. (it is possible that this actually simulates an attack though)
If you have a unit selected, and then press another unit you select that unit in stead of the other. The reason is that having a unit selected and then pressing on an other unit should be considered an attack command. I suppose you have done it with two of your own units, and it wouldn't make sense to be able to attack your own units.
You can attack the soldier at the end of the road. If you press on him while an other unit is next to him and selceted, you will loose the opportunity to move that unit. That is a simulation of a combatm but the combat hasn't been implemented yet. That wil be a light gun game

I'm glad for your feedback, and I can see that there are some things I have to work a bit with. Espicially regarding the End button. And of course I'm glad to hear that the game will start on other computers than mine. There would be no point in continuing developing this game, if it wouldn't even start on other computers at this time in development phase.