I've tried your game for a bit and it worked okay for me.

There's a few things I noticed.

- When clicking on a unit, all other units and buildings become slightly transparent (selected?) as well. This cannot be made undone.
- All tiles have visible lines above them, I assume this is some kind of texture problem.
- It was not until I tried to right click the mouse when I discovered the end turn button. I'd make this button visible at all times. (I know, you wrote it in the read me, but I usually dont read those, unless I get stuck)
- Both mouse buttons are required to activate an end turn. This can be tricky for some people.
- display order needs some work. The upper solder is placed on top of the building.
- the blue area suggests I can place my character on top of a building. This is not the case when characters or water are nearby.
- I am able to move on top of trees.

- I have two soldiers standing next to eachother, one has been selected. I click on the one not selected and the one selected loses the opportunity to move. (it is possible that this actually simulates an attack though)

In all its a pretty good start though, so good job there!
I wish I were already that far