Updating because after a long struggle I've revamped my collision system. It can do more things than before and is generally more elegant in most ways. The main thing that made it a struggle was that I decided on using FastGEO, but it needed a lot of work to compile in FPC2. I ended up making "Minigeo" instead of converting the whole thing: taking out only the stuff I knew I wanted, compiling to find dependencies, adding said dependencies, repeat, etc. And then once that was done I found that - also probably because of compiler differences - the behavior was wrong in some instances, which drove me crazy.

...I still haven't gotten to the optimization that led me towards a rewrite in the first place ops: I think I'll put it off until after the next milestone though....right now I still have to get text implemented, do menus and dialogues....and really get a full gameplay demo together.

Oh and wxLua behaves differently on Win32 than in Linux/GTK. My radiobox doesn't function in Windows(visuals work but no behavior) and I can't figure out why :evil: Something I can look at when the project's over with maybe.