I took a break most of the last week. I had been grinding away at the engine long before the compo started so I was getting a bit burned out. My scale2x bug turned out to be a silly mistake; I had a "pre-screen" surface that was initialized in a procedure with other graphics init stuff, and it was using the scale2x size, rather than the starting one. So when it came time to perform the scaling the result had to be twice as big as that :roll:

This weekend I started piecing together things for the map editor. Since it's not the core game I have no language requirements whatsoever, but I settled on wxLua since any code I used in the editor would translate immediately to the gameplay code, and using Wx would greatly simplify the interface work. It's pretty nice to work with, though I have a learning curve to work up from.

I have this line that is causing a little trouble:
testimage = wx.wxBitmapFromFile("test.png", wx.wxBITMAP_TYPE_ANY)

If I run from the location of my program, "test.png" loads. But if I run from the wxLuaEditor IDE, the path is wrong...and I don't know how to get the right path. But as I say that I get an idea...getting the command line argument data. It's not all that important for usage since I can just run it from a known path, but it'd be more "polished" to figure out the right path always.

I plan to have a working editor by week's end. That's hoping nothing goes hugely wrong...