Quote Originally Posted by AthenaOfDelphi
Quote Originally Posted by rtf
Something I can look at when the project's over with maybe.
Not if you plan on using radioboxes... I'm only running on Windows :-)
You won't be the one editing levels though...the gameplay doesn't use wx at all. So it's not important unless you want to judge on how easy the game is to mod I've looked on the lua archives a little but getting any information on this bug has eluded me. Maybe I will ask about it.

jdarling: I looked at a few options but settled on ThLua because it compiled and worked immediately. Official support only goes up to 5.0...but it's worked and I've had no trouble, so I can do without 5.1.

One issue I've had with using Free Pascal is that a lot of stuff is built first for Delphi and while in some cases the Lazarus tools and libraries might cover up those gaps, I never looked into using it - I wanted to stick with a text editor and command line compiles for this. Simplicity, you know? But a lot of stuff has had to be patched up as a result....so for example, instead of JEDI-SDL I'm using SDL4Freepascal and then integrating files from the JEDI-SDL code when I need them. It's actually been amazingly simple and a much better experience than I've had with most languages/platforms.

When this project is over with I'll try to work out any license issues and get the code in shape for an open-source release...then we'll have a flexible 2d engine designed specifically for FPC.