In the first Stage of the competition, Will commented on the fact that the two genres I chose for it (strategy and artillery) are not well enough detailed. I would like to discuss this here.

I understand that at first it might just sound like some slightly modified Worms or Advance Wars, but it's actually a mix of the two.

The way I see it, all the strategy games that I know can be summed up as consisting in moving, building and attacking. The attacking is always automatic (you don't aim, just tell you unit(s) to attack another unit).

Artillery games, however, usually focus on the aiming. Movement usually plays a small part in it, since choosing the angle and the strength to shoot at are the most important things. I personnally don't know any artillery game that allows players to deploy units or even to move several units at once, and even less to build!

Please consider the above and let me know what you think. I would happily add more things to make it less ambiguous if you do not agree with my point of view.
