I'm afraid I have some bad news again.
While working on my entry last evening my laptop suddenly crashed.

For a few seconds the screen became filled with little square blocks, followed by a loud beep. After the restart the screen remained black, even though it appeared to be restarting (judging by the sound of the hard disk and the flickering lights). I attached a second monitor which did receive a signal, although it was hardly readable. With lines and dots all over the screen, I was able to make out that it performed a disk diagnostic followed by the windows login screen. I could still use the login button, but instead of going to the desktop it started to reboot again.
I have gone through this cycle a couple times, but each time with the same result.

While browsing the internet, at the office today, I found out that there have been several reports about this issue. A few people have reported solutions, but they all involve opening the laptop and check cables, and connectors.

I hope that in my case it is in fact a loose connector or cable and that it will fix the problem. If not, well...