Thanks for the replies!

There's no way that I have enough free time to create a complete rts game in less than 4 months, so I'm cutting back on the advanced stuff, which imo is the AI of the enemy (base building, deploying units and attacking the player).

However, since some kind of battle has to be implemented, I'm taking that part underground. For the moment, I have light guards, heavy guards and miners planned as units. I realize it's not a whole lot, but I'm already a happy man if those are in the game, doing their thing.

Unlike most (if not all) rts games, your primary mission is not to eliminate your opponents base (probably still an option, though), but to gain enough resources. This does however not mean that the task is any easier, as other mining coorperations, also looking to get their hands on the resources, will do everything in its power to prevent you from reaching that goal in time.

Of course, mines by definition are not safe. So next to enemy guards and miners, other dangers are awaiting the player as well.... :twisted: