Like I said... according to the documentation, to get hardware acceleration, you need do3D, doDirectX7Mode, doHardware.

      If HardwareSwitch Then
        if NOT (doDirectX7Mode in DXDraw.Options) then
          DXDraw.Options := DXDraw.Options + [doDirectX7Mode];
        if NOT (doHardware in DXDraw.Options) then
          DXDraw.Options := DXDraw.Options + [doHardware];
        if NOT (do3D in DXDraw.Options) then
          DXDraw.Options := DXDraw.Options + [do3D];
        if doSystemMemory in DXDraw.Options then
          DXDraw.Options := DXDraw.Options - [doSystemMemory];
Thats just a snippet from the documentation.

Whether its changed for unDelphiX 1.0.7 I don't know.