Hey Alex, man that sucks big time. :?

But believe me I know exactly what thats like! Just last year, I had sort of the same, but worse. [size=9px](well if you consider losing--due to hdd failure, not being misplaced-- an entire laptop worse )[/size] I lost everything on it man, and it sucked.

Luckily I had a partial backup of some of my more critical sources on my new MP3 Player at the time. So that saved me from losing all my stuff, but pictures from my ports visited in Northern Canada, the US and Mexico... (ok there was only like 3 pictures and it was of this massive flag they had, but man was that thing huge! )

Lets just put it this way... I was angry for a long long time.

Though as luck would have it... I also had original copies of the games I was working on [size=9px](now Cyber-Crisis, Subject 33 and converted source for a Artillery Game tutorial I've collecting dust now)[/size], but these were year(s) old versions still using either DelphiX or in such an aged state the beef of what I had done was long gone.

Long story made short I bucked up and started again [size=9px](helps that I was sailing and had a ton of free time at one of my ports--really boring town(more like a small hamlet really) in Northern BC, Canada)[/size] but this time I got it done and it worked even BETTER than it was when I did it the first time. I think it was because I had a better understanding of the code and lessons learned poped up when I was coding it the 2nd time around.

Case in point. You can quit now... or you can start at it again (I don't think you'll lose many points in Stage 2 they are pretty easy things to accomplish) and even if you lose some points by being late, get an even better job done with your knowledge of how things went together from last time.

Oh and just so you know... I coded it almost 3 times faster the 2nd time around. There is a reason why they say "Knowledge is power", my friend.