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Thread: Prevent multiple instances from running (Win + *nix)

  1. #1

    Prevent multiple instances from running (Win + *nix)

    Here's my unit, I finished it at last! Tested, tried, never lets you down, correctly determines the presence/absence of the previous instance even if it crashed or was KILL'ed/ended via the TaskManager.

    [Updatet THRICE. See the last posts.]

    Win32: both FPC and Delphi, Linux: FPC only.
    [pascal]unit cl_pms;

    {$ifdef fpc}
    {$mode delphi}


    SysUtils {$ifdef win32}, Windows{$else}, baseunix {$endif};

    function ThisIsAnOnlyInstance: boolean;


    {$ifdef win32}

    M: THandle;
    Di: boolean = false;

    function ThisIsAnOnlyInstance: boolean;
    var N: string;
    N:=ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(ParamStr(0)),'') + 'SingleInstanceMutex';
    M:=OpenMutex(MUTEX_MODIFY_STATE, False, PChar(N));
    if M = 0 then M:=CreateMutex(nil, True, PChar(N))
    else begin
    if WaitForSingleObject(M, 0) <> WAIT_ABANDONED
    then Result:=False;


    Fn: string;
    Di: boolean = false;

    function ThisIsAnOnlyInstance: boolean;
    i: integer;
    t: Text;
    s: stat;
    Fn:= '/tmp/.' + ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(ParamStr(0)),'') + 'SingleInstanceMutex';
    if FileExists(Fn) then begin
    AssignFile(t, Fn);
    Readln(t, i);
    if i = fpGetPid() then Exit
    if DirectoryExists('/proc/' + IntToStr(i)) then begin
    if not FileExists('/proc/' + IntToStr(i) + '/exe') //I'm unsure if
    // any *nix creates one or it's just my distribution
    or ((ExtractFileName(fpReadLink ('/proc/' + IntToStr(i) + '/exe')) = ExtractFileName(ParamStr(0)))
    and not ((Length(ParamStr(0)) >=and(copy(ParamStr(0),1, <> '/tmp/upx')))
    then begin
    AssignFile(t, Fn);
    Writeln(t, fpGetPid());

    {$ifdef win32}
    if Di then ReleaseMutex(M);
    if Di and FileExists(Fn) then DeleteFile(Fn);
    Except End;

  2. #2

    Prevent multiple instances from running (Win + *nix)

    I would be slightly concerned in your non-win32 version that if the program crashes, or the OS crashes, or the system loses power - basically if your finalization never runs (which is par for the course with *nix programs in my experience), if something ELSE has grabbed the PID (like after a reboot) you cannot run your program.

    I would expand the verification beyond just checking that the PID directory exists, probably by checking that the name of the executable is the same as the %comm parameter in /proc/PID/stat file...

    Though I'd be tempted to have the program create and environment variable unique to itself, then check /proc/PID/environ to see if that is set.
    The accessibility of a website from time to time must be refreshed with the blood of designers and owners. It is its natural manure

  3. #3

    Prevent multiple instances from running (Win + *nix)

    Thanks, I greatly appreciate your help

    I'll upgrade and update the procedure when I get my hands free.

  4. #4

    Prevent multiple instances from running (Win + *nix)

    I didn't find a function in Pascal to set a environment variable, but I have noticed that the /proc/PID folder does always contain a file named "exe". In some cases it's just empty 0-byte long file, but mostly it's a symbolic link to the process' executable.

    So I just used this trick:
    [pascal]if fpReadLink ('/proc/' + IntToStr(i) + '/exe') = ParamStr(0) then <yes>[/pascal]

    Will it work in any unixes or is specific to particular distros?
    I added a safety-check, just in case. If the "exe" file doesnt't exitst, it gets that as "consider the PID belongs to a correct process".

  5. #5

    Prevent multiple instances from running (Win + *nix)

    ops: Damn!!! Each second attempt it allows the second copy to run!
    Where did I err?

  6. #6

    Prevent multiple instances from running (Win + *nix)

    [insert a headbanging here] How could I have been so stupid! In the finalization section it was deleting the tempfile regardless of the function result!


  7. #7

    Prevent multiple instances from running (Win + *nix)

    being that /proc in linux is coded to the kernel, and really hasn't seen major revision since the old Plan9 system you would THINK you were golden... BUT, /exe is technically linux specific.

    if the /proc/pid/exe does not exist, I would also check:


    The first being Solaris, the second being freeBSD and it's kin. They should all return the same value in their appropriate environ.

    I'm not sure about other *nix's like AIX, QNX, OSX or the host of BSD offshoots. In theory AIX mirrors linux so it SHOULD work... so that would get you the lions share of possibilities.

    I do know this will NOT work on HP-UX, since it doesn't have a procfs... but then how many people USE HP-UX in this day and age.
    The accessibility of a website from time to time must be refreshed with the blood of designers and owners. It is its natural manure

  8. #8

    Prevent multiple instances from running (Win + *nix)

    Unfortunately, I have only Linux to test

  9. #9

    Prevent multiple instances from running (Win + *nix)

    Updated, corrected the bug with not working if the program is UPXed.


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