Well, it's NOT the usual installer like InnoSetup (or NullSofts installer) and you actually have to check a checkbox with a spanish label before you can click a button to continue installation.

But the game itself pops up a lengthy message box before starting which is asking you something in spanish, the game itself is spanish too and (I can't believe it) this is the readme (even the readme has a spanish filename) :
Leia-ME Mar07


There is no single english explanaition nowhere to be found. There is an additional rtf file called NaveHelp.rtf but it's also in spansh. In my eyes this is ridicoulus!

If you take part in an international contest with international judges (three judges, each of us from a different country) not providing anything in an international language (and the widest known language is english and not spanish or whatever) is an insult in my opinion.

And there are even some more things in that entry that upset me as it also seems to include copyrighted material like music and stuff, actuall I don't know what to say...