I just saw that the first person already uploaded an entry for stage 3 but after downloading I decided not to try it out cause of the following reasons :
  • It's an installer!
    This may be fine for redistributing a final product but not for something in-progress that I have to quickly test. I don't actually want to have to install games for the mid-stages to try them out and having to un-install them later on.
  • It's in spanish (I guess) or whatever language!
    As if the above wasn't annoying enough the whole installer is in a language I can't even read. The texts, the captions and even the buttons. Dunno what to say about this...

So please do as everyone in the 2 first stages did an upload your entry as an archive (no matter if it's a zip, rar or even 7z) but not as a setup or something like that.

I would have pm'ed the entrant himself but I don't know if he is even active over here, at least I couldn't find a user with his name. So I thought to make this a public thread so maybe you (gilmareis) also read this.