I'm in the second year of Maths, Physics, Chemistry and ICT (which is a load of crap BTW) A-Levels. In the AS modules last year, I got AAAB , but I didn't do so well in the exams I took in January, so I'm retaking all of them. In total I am taking about 12 exams, 2 practical exams this month, and the rest in June. I need to get AAC (or ABB) to get into Birmingham to study Computer Systems Engineering. I did originally apply to York, and they asked me for interview, but then I got several other offers which I prefered. In case you are thinking York's requirements are high, Imperial College London offered me a place conditional on AAA! (Which I declined..)

While I hate exams as much as anyone, they are much more preferable to coursework, because with exams you can get away with doing no work beforehand. :twisted:

As for revision tactics... I don't have any. In ICT, we've only just started studying the last module, so it will definately be 'vison' rather than revision!