Hey Im back!

I tried changing 'OpenGL' with 'gl' and now that doesn't seem to be a problem anymore! Good!

However, now the compiler complains about the unit Glaux. It doesn't seem to accept the 'export' procedures/functions. I have no idea how 'export' works, or even what 'stdcall' means, so I dont know how to solve this.
Here is some of the Glaux unit, so that u have an idea of what's going on:
unit Glaux;


uses Windows, gl;

	TAUX_RGBImageRec= record
		sizeX, sizeY: integer;
		data: pointer;
	PTAUX_RGBImageRec= ^TAUX_RGBImageRec;

function auxDIBImageLoadA(const dibfile: PChar): PTAUX_RGBImageRec; stdcall;
procedure auxWireSphere(value: double);stdcall;
procedure auxSolidSphere(value: double);stdcall;
procedure auxWireCube(value: double);stdcall;


	glaux1 = 'glaux.dll';


function auxDIBImageLoadA; external glaux1;
procedure auxWireSphere;external glaux1;
procedure auxSolidSphere;external glaux1;
procedure auxWireCube;external glaux1;


And the compiler(Lazarus) says:
':' expected but ';' found (at the line 'function auxDIBImageLoadA; external glaux1;')

That is really annoying! What am I supposed to do?

Another problem that I get with one of the tutorials is about some 'dereferencing', which I don't know anything about. I guess it's the opposite of making a refrence by pointer, but how do I 'dereference'?

And to Traveler: I don't think ill need it (I might, if it solves either of the problems above!), bt thanks anyways!

Thanks all for your help