Quote Originally Posted by WILL
If you have JEDI-SDL then the OpenGL headers should be in one of the folders.

Look in 'JEDI-SDLv1.0\OpenGL\Pas' and the file you probably want is gl.pas.
Haha, I didnt'know it waas that simple! haha.

Then why does it say 'uses OpenGL' in the program (that's the translated version to Pascal from Nehe's C++ tuts btw) if what it means is 'uses gl' ?

Anyways thanks, ill go try it out.

And Traveller: the ] I'm sorry, but the page you requested was not found.
Click here to start your journey... [/code] page.
I had a look around the (your?) site and I really like it!
I'll have a look through the tutorials and maybe ask for some help to get something similar to those cool textures and fonts in my game, if you don't mind!
Is it your site anyways? well, if it is, jst a tiny little comment: [size=7px]in ur 'tutorial overview', you have 'where' instead of 'were' ! [/size]
