We just call everyone Mate :lol:
We don't have the kind of "Hey Mack, what ya doing with my car?" kind of thing...

It's more like "OI Pal, that's my pint!"

But it was probably Little Jonny or Jimmy in the 50's :lol:

"Mate" is a very versatile word.. It can be used informally to a friend or an enemy. It's normally said to blokes though. Not sure what women use, I think they're a bit more direct.

Example, Hi Mate, how are you doing?
Listen Mate, you'd better lay off my bird or you're going home with your teeth in a bag!

it can be a greeting.

Mate, long time, no see

Or to describe a friendship

He's my mate

Or in the third person

Tell your mate to go home

The verb "to Mate" is entirely different....
Or in the animal kingdom "The baboon's Mate..."

The word Pal is generally used to politely inform someone that something bad is going to happen.. It's not used very often anymore.