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Thread: Vertex buffers & DLL's

  1. #1
    Legendary Member NecroDOME's Avatar
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    The Netherlands, Eindhoven

    Vertex buffers & DLL's

    So, Im stuck with this the whole day (and a bit yesterday)

    But what I'm trying to do is create a vertex buffer within a DLL.

    Basicly my app request a pointer to from the dll to a vertex buffer (DirectX).
    The DLL creates a D3DVertexBuffer9, then my app locks the buffer by sending the pointer from the buffer to the DLL. The DLL should lock the buffer and give a pointer to the data. Next I fill the data and this part goes wrong...

    See the code below. I placed some comments in the code that are usefull, check them plz...

    Here is some code of the app:
    procedure TNecro3D_Mesh.CreateVertexBuffer;
    var Param : TNecro3D_VertexBufferParam;
    _vb: pointer;
    i, VertexCount: Integer;
    Loaded := False;
    VertexCount := High(VertexArray)+3; // +3, yeah i know...(for debuggin')
    Param.StrideSize := SizeOf(TNecro3D_MeshVertex);
    Param.Size := Param.StrideSize * VertexCount;
    Param.Pool := PoolDefault;
    Param.Format := [vfXYZ, vfNormal, vfTex1];
    Param.Usage := useNormal;

    VertexBuffer := TNecro3D_VertexBuffer.Create;

    // VertexBuffer = TNecro3D_VertexBuffer, not DX, it calls a proc inside the dll to do DX's work...
    if VertexBuffer.Lock(0, Param.Size, lockDefault, _vb) then
    // VertexArray = array of TNecro3D_MeshVertex
    // _vb is the pointer that should hold the pointer to what D3DX gave it...
    CopyMemory(_vb, @VertexArray, SizeOf(TNecro3D_MeshVertex)* High(VertexArray));
    // CopyMemory is the part that gives the error... but why? (i think it has something to do with the pointers

    Loaded := True;


    From the DLL:
    // The lock-function, Data: Pointer should return Data piotner that I got from DX
    function TNecro3D_VertexBuffer9.Lock(Offset, SizeToLock: Cardinal;
    Flags: TNecro3D_VertexBufferLockFlags; Data: Pointer): boolean;
    var LockFlags: Cardinal;
    Result := FBufferCreated;
    if Result=False then

    case Flags of
    lockDefault: LockFlags := 0;
    lockDiscard: LockFlags := D3DLOCK_DISCARD;
    lockAppend: LockFlags := D3DLOCK_NOOVERWRITE;

    // Buffer = IDirect3DVertexBuffer9
    if Succeeded(Buffer.Lock(Offset, SizeToLock, Data, LockFlags)) then
    FLocked := True;
    end else
    FLocked := False;

    Result := FLocked;

    // The way I create the vertex buffer:
    constructor TNecro3D_VertexBuffer9.Create(Param: TNecro3D_VertexBufferParam);
    var Device : TNecro3D_Device9;
    Usage : cardinal;
    Pool : TD3DPool;
    FParam := Param;

    FLocked := False;
    FBufferCreated := False;

    FFVF := ConvertFVFFlags(Param.Format);

    case Param.Usage of
    useNormal : Usage := D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY;
    useDynamic: Usage := D3DUSAGE_DYNAMIC or D3DUSAGE_WRITEONLY;

    case Param.Pool of
    PoolDefault: Pool := D3DPOOL_DEFAULT;
    PoolSysMem : Pool := D3DPOOL_SYSTEMMEM;

    Device := TNecro3D_Device9(GetDevice);

    // Buffer is IDriect3DVertexBuffer9
    if Failed(Device.Screen.Device.CreateVertexBuffer(Par am.Size,
    Usage, FFVF, Pool, Buffer, nil)) then
    FBufferCreated := False;
    end else
    FBufferCreated := True;
    [/pascal] :shock:
    NecroSOFT - End of line -

  2. #2

    Vertex buffers & DLL's

    How about:
    [pascal]CopyMemory(_vb, @VertexArray[0], SizeOf(TNecro3D_MeshVertex) * (High(VertexArray) + 1) ); [/pascal]
    There are only 10 types of people in this world; those who understand binary and those who don't.

  3. #3
    Legendary Member NecroDOME's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    The Netherlands, Eindhoven

    Vertex buffers & DLL's

    Well, it was a pointer problem...I changed all my procs to Lock(Start, Count, Flags): Pointer;, where the pointer gives the result of the lock or nil if it fails. Damn.. it took me 2 day's to figure this out...

    I think it had someting to do that I used Lock(Start, Count, Falgs, Out Dataointer); (the "Out Dataointer")
    NecroSOFT - End of line -


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