Well, we've repeatedly tried to get usefull contacts with Borland about this in the past. Without any succes, on the contrary, examples:

* FPC had procedure overloading since version 0.5. When Borland released Delphi 5, they had managed to add it in an incompatible way to Delphi.
* FPC implemented operator overloading in version 0.99, intentionally compatible with GNU-Pascal's syntax. With Delphi .NET, Borland implemented operator overloading in an incompatible way.
* To be able to call C functions like printf, we used the well known the "array of const" syntax. For Kylix, Borland had to invent a "varargs" procdir.

I'm going to post a reaction to Nick's blog, Borland got a bit more open in recent years, lets see if there will be a reaction.