
See my comments in the previous message regarding pausing between levels. I am assuming from your other comments that you don't have experience of the original game - one of it's main features is not letting up on the gameplay. People used to play 2P so that they could get a rest from time to time

Yes, the complete hi-score entry system is to be replaced, as this was a very quick hack to get something working for that part. The new part will be much better.

Also, you know about the retaining of surfaces problems (as I do) and if you can show me some routines which will help me preserve the DXDraw when dialogs / OS interferes, then I will include them !

P = Pause, and C = continue. I need to extend that routine and also add it to the instructions.

I have never seen a crash from pressing escape on warp. Can you let me have the full details (reproducable?) would be great thanks!

Thanks a lot for all your inputs!!