
I've got a problem... a huge problem, and that is the game title, which is very very important I think.

My idea:
Creating an online *car*tuning game, which will be a simulation.
So, no real-driving, but you can tune your car however you want, every single engine/body part will be able to be tweaked.

I've got this idea in my head for already 3 years, since I'm loving the tuning world.
So I already came up with a few game titles, like:
StreetglowGame, StreetTuner....

But I don't like those 2 names, why not?
StreetglowGame -> Looks like stolen from the neon brand "Streetglow".
StreetTuner -> Some amateuristic name.

So could anyone please help me out with a good title?!?!

Thanks in advance,
