
I really don't understand how I can get the colour of a pixel in an 8 bit DIB and convert it for use on a 16bit surface. All my Imagelist items are easily converted I know, but when I process a DIB and try to pixel set the DXDraw surface, it is always the wrong colours.

I did make a "special" sprite which I can use with the Pixel routines of TurboPixels etc. but this is only ok if I initialise a static image once only (way too slow).

I have tried many ways and converting of the pixel / colourtables, but no luck.

e.g. The 8 bit palette value at DIB.ColorTable[x] => pixel data on 16bit screen....

The colours exist in the 16bit palette because the graphic was sourced from the Imagelist, and don't suggest ColorMatch

I have studied the DXDraw.UpdatePalette, but cannot see where my "specific" palette of e.g. image[29] is set.

Hope there are still some DelphiX people persevering out there