Junk it, it's a waste of time. If someone wants help, they should use the appropriate section. At least then, people who know about that subject will be able to see it.

If a person doesn't know enough about what they're doing to post in the correct place, They probably don't know enough to understand the advice given to them.

Harsh, but likely.

A little more research in the area they're struggling with would help and then they could ask informed questions and get both answers and respect.

What can be solved by a misc help section anyway?
If the problem is Jedi-SDL, post in the JediSDL section,
If the problem is DelphiX, post in the DelphiX section,
If the problem is about cross platform compilation,
If you wanna talk about music, there's a music section

the forum could probably do with additional forums for OpenGL with pascal and DirectX with pascal as only the wrappers seem to get covered, but then there is always the Graphics forum.

Nuke it :twisted:

Press the button, you know you want to