Well, if you want to learn any programming language apart from VBScript, you need to have an understanding of OOP.

Java, VB.net, C#, C++.. even JavaScript and Php to a point..

Right here's the quick & Ugly version..

You define your class based on the syntax of the language.

[pascal]TDude = class()
IDNumber : string;
Name : string;

constructor create( Name : string; IDNumber : string );

then in your code.. procedural or otherwise, it's the same..

CurrentDude : TDude;
DudeList : TSomeCollectionClass;


DudeList := TSomeCollectionClass.create();

CurrentDude := TDude.create('Savage','D0001');
CurrencDude := TDude.create('Technomage','D0002');


All this does is the same as create a record with name and ID, but now this data is completely self contained.. you don't need an array or anything, you can pass it around.. better still, you can create methods (Class procedures) to work with the data inside the class...

You'd do well to research this, I've typed so much because I'm keen for you to learn this stuff.. I believe it'll really help you.