Savage Wrote:

>As Almindor says, doing stuff as root is not considered go good security practise on Linux. You want to have a root account and also a user account that has less priveleges. Then you can have all your projects under your user account without fear or causing too much mayhem.

I don't think that you understand the problem! I have Lazarus installed and inside the 'Lazarus' folder there is an 'Examples' folder and inside that folder there are many folders (e.g. one folder per example project). The real problem is that these projects are owner by 'root'.... and on my OS there is no such user as 'root' (e.g. root user does not exist).

My OS is Linux UBUNTU Christian Edition... and the way it works is that there is only a single user (for me) called 'peter'. The user 'peter' normally does not have superuser access unless I enter a command like 'sudo' and then I'm prompted for a password.

Can't I surely use a command like 'chown' to change the owner of the Example projects from the non-existent 'root' user to my user name 'peter'?

As I don't know the UBUNTU commands very well I'm stuck not knowing what the command(s) are for me to change the owner of these Example projects.

Yours Sincerely,
pew { Peter_from_Hobart }

signing off from Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.