System: Windows XP
Compiler/IDE: Delphi 6
API: DelphiX?

Hi everyone. My game is written in Delphi6 and DelphiX. It's a 2d car racer and I have a car on a road with a certain amount of gas, if the cas runs out before the car reaches the end of the road the game is finished and the user has to try again. The gas is a constant of 1200 and it is decreased with dec(fGas);

I have managed to get the movement in my game independent of frame rate with:

dxtimer1.Interval:=1000 div 200;
   NewTime := TimeGetTime;
   UpdateSpeed := (NewTime - OldTime) * OneMSec;
   OldTime := NewTime;
   y := y + (7 * updatespeed);
My problem relates to running the game on different pc's, the movement is now the same on slow and fast machines but on a fast machine the gas "dec(fGas)" runs too fast--from 1200 to 0.

I played around with GetTickCount, timeGetTime etc. but no success. Any ideas on how to get the "dec(fGas)" so that it runs down from 1200 to 0 at a constant rate on slow and fast machines?

Thanks for your help.