Updated the download link above with Setharian's version. I did make one minor change from longword to hq2xnumber this way in 64 bit compilers it should be easy to find the right type when someone decides to change it.

I've also started to convert the cimage unit, as it seems that RGB won't work due to the internal pixel format . The converted cimage.pas file doesn't work properly right now. There are problems with the convert16 and convert24 methods. Basically I ran the C source through a converter and then cleaned it up until it compiled. Looking at the output of the images after convert16 is called it appears that I have my pointers jacked up again , the colors are quite off but the pattern is correct.

Thanks everyone for the help so far, hopefully soon we will have a pure pascal version of hq2x. When this is complete I think working on 2xSAI would make sense. Any interest on converting this one as well?